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Marriage is willed by God and was raised to a sacrament by Christ.

The sacrament of marriage is a visible sign of God's love for the Church. When a man and a woman are married in the Church, they receive the grace needed for a lifelong bond of unity.

Marriage is the unique Sacrament which binds one man and one woman together in a covenant under God and His Church. It is a Sacrament of vocation, a response to a specific calling that God has placed in the hearts of a couple. It is a bond that lasts for life which is permanent, faithful, and fruitful. Marriage is not just about two people, but is the foundation of the family, the "domestic church," the most basic and foundational structure, not only for the Church, but for all of society.

"The sacrament of Matrimony signifies the union of Christ and the Church. It gives spouses the grace to love each other with the love with which Christ has loved his Church; the grace of the sacrament thus perfects the human love of the spouses, strengthens their indissoluble unity, and sanctifies them on the way to eternal life"

Catechism of the Catholic Church 1661

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